The Franklin Knights of Columbus Council 1847 are pleased to host a night of Comedy with Dave Kane. His show is MISGIVINGS, it is a comedy that features an evening with an Irish Catholic priest, Father Patrick Aloysius MISGIVINGS. The show is very respectful of the Catholic Church and has been very well received by many area churches. When/Where November 9, 2019 - 7:00 - 9:00 pm Advance Tickets Price - $15 ($18 at the door night of the show) Where: Old Ben Franklin Charter School Auditorium – Main Street across from St. Mary’s Church Food: Light refreshments (snacks, drinks, cookies and coffee/tea and water (soda for sale) Purchasing Tickets Online through the K of C Council 1847 website ( via PayPal (pickup your ticket) at "Will Call" By mail: Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 465 Franklin, MA. 02038 After Masses – Saturday and Sunday, 10/26 & 27 at St. After Masses – Saturday and Sunday, 10/19 & 20 at St. Mary's Church - One Church Square, Franklin, MA At the Door – A limited number of tickets will be available at the door the night of the Show Join us for a night of “Devine” laughs, blessings, blarney, bingo and a 50/50 raffle. Proceeds will support K of C community outreach and service projects. Any questions can be emailed to: [email protected]
Sacred Heart Council is hosting its Annual Memorial Mass for our Deceased Brothers on Tuesday, October 15th, at 7:00 PM in the St. Mary Chapel. The Chapel is in to Lower Level of the Church and is accessible by the new and comfortable elevator. All Members, widows, and family members or our current and deceased Members are welcome to celebrate the lives of our Deceased Brothers. A reception will follow in the newly modernized Sacred Heart Hall. Sacred Heart Council was established here in St. Mary Parish, Franklin in 1916 and our Brothers have been instrumental in the growth of our Church throughout the last 103 years.
Why Bake when the Knights can do it for you? The Knights of Columbus will be hosting their 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale and accepting your Thanksgiving Pie Orders and Payment ( $15 per Pie ) in the back of the Church after all Masses on Saturdays,10/26/19 & 11/2/19 at the 4PM Mass and Sundays, 10/27/ 19 & 11/3/19 at All Masses. Order forms will be available at the entrances of the Church. We will pass out flyers and order forms after Saturdays 4PM Mass on 10/12 and 10/19/19 and after all Sunday Masses on 10/13 and 10/20/19. Order a freshly-baked pie for your Thanksgiving table and/or Donate a Pie to our “Seniors” at our Franklin Senior Center for their Thanksgiving table. Pick Up Your Thanksgiving Pie Orders at the auditorium at the old St. Mary's Parish Hall Center on Tuesday, 11/26/19, 3pm-9pm. All proceeds support the ongoing charitable efforts of the Knights of Columbus. $15 per Pie Mann's rich tasting Apple, Blueberry, Pumpkin and Pecan Pies from the famous Mann's Orchards and Bakery ... high quality, great price, “super” for the Thanksgiving holidays. Any questions, call Jim Campbell at 508-848-8681 or Jim Lane at 508-520-1947. Thank You for your generosity and “giving back”...
On Saturday, August 24th, the St Mary's parish Knights of Columbus council hosted and sponsored a blood drive in conjunction with the Boston Children’s Hospital bloodmobile. The Children's Hospital staff commented on how well organized the blood drive was. There were 29 presenting donors, and 27 successful units of whole blood collected! Well done.
The Columbian Award recognizes excellence in a council’s programming and charitable outreach. A council must conduct four major program and multiple supporting programs in the areas of FAITH, FAMILY,COMMUNITY and LIFE. Our deep involvement in the St Mary’s Parish and our Community of Franklin made it possible for us to service our Community and achieve the Colombian Award. Financial support of those in need thru our support of the St Vincent DePaul Society, holding community events such as the Free throw program and Scholarship program for the High School Seniors, Pies for Senior Center at thanksgiving time, Rosary, Stations of the Cross , Memorial Day Mass are just a few of the programs Council 1847 did this past year to be recognized by Supreme Council. Congratulations Sacred Heart Council 1847 Job Well Done.