Knights of Sacred Heart “ The situation in Ukraine is dire and worsening. The people of Ukraine and our brother Knights in that nation need our help “ said Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. Our Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council #1847 have established a donation fund to provide humanitarian relief to those affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The relief funding raised will be used to provide food, shelter, medical supplies, clothing and religious goods, as well as other humanitarian needs as identified, both directly in Ukraine and thru refugee sites in Poland. The Knights are working with both the Latin and Greek Catholic Churches in Ukraine, with dioceses and KofC councils in Poland, and with international aid agencies to address needs quickly and effectively . . Many Knights councils around the world are working to help support this humanitarian cause . Thank you for anything you can do. The Sacred Heart Council will make a matching donation based on the total pledged by you. We Will MATCH up to $3000 pledged Feel free to share this with friends and family. To support this gallant cause please click on title above.