Please see our new link to the Young Catholic Professionals - Boston Chapter website in the RESOURCES section of our website. Click on the title above to access.
Congratulations to Sir Knight John Hickey for making his fourth-degree this past Sunday at the Milford DoubleTree Hotel. He was in a class of 40 from the State. John is in the top row third from the right. Congratulations to our newest third-degree members from last night's Exemplification of Charity, Unity and Fraternity: Tim Driscoll, Chris Morris and John Flynn. Welcome to our other newest members Charlie Clark and Paul Molla.Their Exemplification will be scheduled for a future date.
IN PERSON DONATIONS: Palm Sunday - March 23 & 24 The Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council 1847- St. Mary Church in Franklin, MA, is holding our annual Easter Fundraiser for those in Franklin and surrounding communities who are “in need” during the Easter season. ALL proceeds from the event will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society. ONLINE DONATIONS: Accepted: March 16 - April 15 Click TITLE above to access online donation form.
A Memorial Day Mass is scheduled for 9AM on Memorial Day, May 29th at 9AM. The Mass will take place at St Mary's Cemetery in Franklin. In the event of rain, The alternate location will be St Mary's Lower Church. Refreshments will be offered after Mass at St Mary's Lower Church.
With great pride, our Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council is honored to announce that our Chaplin, Father Brian, has been named the 2023 Knights of Columbus Mass State Chaplin of the Year . This is Father Brian's second time winning this prestigious award. Our council has been blessed to have Father Brian as our spiritual leader and supporter for the past 14 years . The State Officers will formally present the award to Father Brian in May . Thank you, Father Brian, for all you have done and continue to do for our council.
June 10, 2023 10:00 AM -2:00 PM St Mary's Lower Church Blood Donor Center | 1-800-RED CROSS To make an appointment please log onto: and use sponsor code: KofCFranklin For more information contact: [email protected] or Phil at 508-930-4588
Our St Mary's Knights of Columbus Council is honored to have received a 2022 Star Award for our efforts in support of both the parish and community during fiscal year 2022. Pictured: District Deputy Jim Lane presents the award to Grand Knight Mike Swan (Click on title to view photo)
The Knights of Columbus 1847 Franklin are proud to announce the winners of this year’s Robert Simmler PGK ,Sacred Heart Council 1847 College Scholarship 2022. Congratulations to Alex Lomberto , $3000 and William Olbrys $1000. Alex is a graduate of Xaverian Brothers High School and William from Franklin High School. Both of these accomplished students are active members of the St Mary’s Parish Community. Their achievements were especially noteworthy amongst the many wonderful talented candidates that applied for the 2022 scholarship award. We wish Alex best of luck as he goes onto Fairfield University in the fall and William will attend University of New Hampshire in the fall. The Robert Simmler PGK Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council Scholarship is named in honor of Mr. Robert Simmler, he was a very active and accomplished member of the Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council and the Franklin Community
Please join us for a Blood Drive Sponsored by the Franklin Knights of Columbus Saturday June 11 9:00AM - 2:00PM Location - St Mary's Catholic Parish (Church Hall) One Church Square Franklin, MA 02038 Blood Donor Center | 1-800-RED CROSS To make an appointment please log onto: and use sponsor code: KofCFranklin For more information contact: [email protected] or Phil at 508-930-4588
Knights of Sacred Heart “ The situation in Ukraine is dire and worsening. The people of Ukraine and our brother Knights in that nation need our help “ said Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly. Our Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council #1847 have established a donation fund to provide humanitarian relief to those affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The relief funding raised will be used to provide food, shelter, medical supplies, clothing and religious goods, as well as other humanitarian needs as identified, both directly in Ukraine and thru refugee sites in Poland. The Knights are working with both the Latin and Greek Catholic Churches in Ukraine, with dioceses and KofC councils in Poland, and with international aid agencies to address needs quickly and effectively . . Many Knights councils around the world are working to help support this humanitarian cause . Thank you for anything you can do. The Sacred Heart Council will make a matching donation based on the total pledged by you. We Will MATCH up to $3000 pledged Feel free to share this with friends and family. To support this gallant cause please click on title above.
The Knights of Columbus is holding our annual Spring Fundraiser for those who are “in need”. All proceeds will benefit the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Knights will have a table set up outside the church after Mass on Saturday, April 9th and after each Mass on Palm Sunday, April 10th. They will be selling Stop & Shop gift cards (5% of sale benefits St. Vincent). In recognition of significant need, we are also suggesting a second way you can share your generosity: by donating one or more of the gift cards you purchased (100% of donated cards benefits St. Vincent). Simply drop a purchased gift card into the Donation Box. ONLINE GIVING OPTION: If people would prefer to contribute online, double click on title above to be taken to the online donation page.
The Knights of Columbus is accepting applicants for its 2022 college scholarship award program. The Robert Simmler PGK, Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council #1847 Scholarship. Applicants must be a registered member of St Mary’s Parish in Franklin, and must be graduating from High School in spring 2022 and progressing onto their first year of study at a 2 or 4 year college/university. Please submit a completed scholarship application postmarked on or before the application deadline of Friday April 8, 2022. We are awarding 2 scholarships this year a $3000 and $1000 Click on title above to access application and instructions for applying
The Franklin Knights of Columbus Council 1847 held their 7th Christmas Food Card Drive The event is held after each Mass at St. Mary’s Parish, 1 Church Street Franklin, MA. The Knights have held Holiday Food Card Drives since 2015 during the Christmas and Easter holiday seasons. All proceeds are donated to St Vincent de Paul (SVdP) to help support their outreach work for the most vulnerable in our community – People in need.
JANUARY 15, 2022 @ 6PM Starting @ St. Vincent de Paul, 71 Linden St, Attleboro, MA and finishing @ St. John the Evangelist, 133 North Main St, Attleboro, MA
December 15 will be our Christmas Celebration , 6PM lower church and Sacred Heart Hall we will have our Annual party for members and a few guests ….. MASS at 6pm followed by catered dinner form the Rome Restaurant, Wine, water and coffee served we will have some door prizes and a YANKEE SWAP for those that want to participate ($20 gift no more please) Frank Fontana is taking the lead on this [please contact him if you can help in the set up etc. we will be asking all that plan to come to RSVP and those that are able to bring a dessert to share with all.
We are holding our Seventh Annual Holiday Food Card Drive. Proceeds will support the ongoing charitable efforts of the Knights of Columbus and help feed those “in need”. This need continues today. This year there will be 2 ways by which you may purchase and donate a Stop & Shop Food Card for those in need: To donate click on the title above to be taken directly to the donation form. Online orders will accept Credit Cards. Or you can Mail your check and order form (below) to: Knights of Columbus c/o Food Card Drive – PO Box465 Franklin, MA. 02038 The Knights will also have a table set up by the selling Stop & Shop gift cards outside the church after Mass on Saturday December 4th and after each Mass on Sunday, December 5th
The Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Council 1847, will be running their 4th Annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale. Our Holiday Pie Sale is our largest fundraiser of the year and helps support our many charitable missions. Pie sales begin November 1 and run thru November 14. Double Click on Title Above to Order pies
On Wednesday, October 6th, the St. Mary's parish Knights of Columbus Sacred Heart Council 1847 was awarded the Columbian and Founders Award for the third consecutive year as the top council in Massachusetts. Congratulations to all our member Knights for their contributions toward achieving this prestigious honor.